Do you yearn for a smooth, pain- free, easy menstrual cycles?
Imagine feeling positive about that time of the month.
Are you trying to regulate your cycle to optimise your chances for conception?
Do you want to be more connected to yourself and your body?
Did you know that your period is considered to be the 5th vital sign?
Just like temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and blood pressure.
Let's share wisdom on how you can discover your innate rhythms & natural body intelligence. As we invite more harmony into your cycle, using the tools I have developed over the years.
Many moons ago, not a single cycle would pass by without me taking pain killers.
My moods were all over the place, shame, anger, rage outbursts were the norm. Rage and anger still has its place, but nowadays I use the tools of compassionate understanding and no longer ignore their source.
The MCA ( Menstrual Cycle Awareness) was a life line and helped me to develop insight and the end of questioning my sanity on
moon days!
My offering to you
I have designed this course with you in mind: especially for those with difficulties conceiving, painful periods ( severe PMS) and any women wanting to reconnect with the mind body alchemy,
based on my experience as a yoga teacher and personal trainer, fertility and lomi lomi massage therapist and teacher, and energy worker.
What benefits you receive:
4 Weekly Live Body Movement Therapy Sessions via Zoom - a safe space to discuss your experiences and how to weave what we will practise into your life before the end of each session.
During this course I will take you on a journey into the healing powers of moving your body in rhythm with your menstrual cycle. You shall experience how mindful movements can help calm & heal the body, clear the mind, and lighten the heart.
Each week we will have time to connect and discuss different mind/body techniques for stress reduction including tips for a healthy lifestyle, breathing exercises, meditation and visualisation.
Each week is individually tailored to where you are in your menstrual cycle or if you are not menstruating, for whatever reason, we will cycle with the moon.
Each session will be followed up with further information and self-care practises for you to enjoy in your on time.
Questions are welcomed, I am here to support you via email throughout each week.
A guide who genuinely cares about you and your journey, and brings the right balance of emotional support and practical guidance.
A self-care package sent to you, including a massage balm, castor oil pack & herbs for a yoni steam!
Your investment in this journey is your time, energy and full commitment to yourself.
Menstrual cycle awareness coaching is priced at £340 or 4 weekly payments of £85.
To book your place, please email:
If you want to chat to me before you commit to ask any questions you may have, …let’s talk.