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Lomi Lomi

Lomi Lomi massage is a unique massage experience infused with ceremony and intention.

Long fluid strokes form an intuitive dance around the body.


This ancient practice originated in Hawaii, where it is believed the Lomi Lomi touch can restore the soul by bringing the energies of the body into balance with the Aloha spirit.


Unlike other massages where you may be pre-empting your therapist’s next move, distinctly aware that when they reach your feet or head your time is nearly up, Lomi Lomi doesn’t follow a set pattern.


Instead your whole being is brought into relaxation, from the slowing of your breath and the relaxing and letting go of your muscles, to an altered state of consciousness as your mind begins to lose all sense of time.


Ideally this massage should be received without clothing, however your modesty will be covered throughout the treatment.

The cost of this service is 

1 session - £111 ( 1.5 hours)

For booking and advice, please contact me. 

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